Understanding Indonesian Plays Wayang and Brechtian Strategy

ISBN: 978-602-6369-06-2

Rp. 78.000,00

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This (research) book highlights the unavoidable conversation engaging readers about the meaning and significance of Indonesian plays from the flights of Wayang and Brechtian strategy. The goal is, thus, to provide those willing to understand Indonesian plays with the necessary steps to go through. Not only are they invited to pay a visit to (world) literature, but they are also to deal with cultural studies, the dramatic text, and a critical vocabulary common to play analysis. Offering a response to such a compact goal, there are important things that need pointing out, namely, the elaboration of Wayang strategy and its application. This also suggests highlighting Brechtian strategy, the world of literature, Indonesian literature, Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian language) and its roles within the national political affairs. This book is, thus, organized to discuss methods of play analysis which primarily means to find the meaning of the very plays, in this case the work of Arifin C. Noer.

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Penulis Antonius Herujiyanto
Penerbit USD
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Perkiraan Berat 286 gram
Tahun Terbit 2016
Halaman xv+189 hlm.