Learning and Learning EFL: A Perspective [series 1]

ISBN: 978-623-6103-00-5

Rp. 100.000,00

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Stok: 3
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The series is mainly discussing educational psychology in general. However, there is a special touch given in the series, i.e. it touched the aspects of foreign language learning process which is very near and dear to the hearts of the student teachers who will teach English. The first series with the title Learning and Learning a Foreign Language embarks the journey to explore the evolu-tion of the theory of learning and what it takes to learn a foreign language. The second series enti-tled Motivation in Learning explores deeper on learning motivation and learning in the 21st century.--

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Penulis Christina Lhaksmita Anandari, Retno Muljani
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Suplier Christina Lhaksmita Anandari
Perkiraan Berat 328 gram
Tahun Terbit 2021
Halaman 129