Proceedings International Conference On Theology, Religion, Culture, And Humanities "Re-Imagining Theology, Religion, Culture, and Humanities Studies for Public Life"

ISBN: 978-623-143-007-6 (PDF)

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This proceeding is an effort from various academics and practitioners in the midst of modern society to find the meaning and re-imagine Theology, Religion, Culture, and Humanities Studies for Public Life. From discussions on how religion can reshape our world to become a better world, to re-imagining the foundation of human life that believes in God in the midst of local culture and an increasingly advanced and modern world, even looking back at the history of women, evangelization, and places of worship as a means for humans to find God in the world. In the end, all of these writings are a form of academic reflection of the authors who seek to find God in the midst of today's world.

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Penulis Dionius Bismoko Mahamboro, Pr., Felix Korner, SJ., Rogel Anecito L. Abais, S.J., Joel Casimiro Pinto, OFM., .... [et al.]
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Perkiraan Berat 455 gram
Tahun Terbit 2023
Halaman xiv+358 hlm.