Proceedings APTIK International Conference "Environment and Poverty On Human Sensitivity: Justice, Solidarity, and Open Vision"

ISBN: IN. SDUP: 2311-301-5

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The lockdown due to COVID-19 seems to be over, and now a "new vision" of life must be prepared to face our future. We believe that COVID-19 is just a disturbing phenomenon, but it does not stop APTIK's willingness to place human dignity amidst the negative disturbances to the environment and good efforts to eradicate poverty. What we need then is sensitivity to justice, solidarity and openness of vision. This means that an open vision is the ideal method or approach to create a better world for everyone, and in accordance with APTIK's concerns, this new vision must be developed simultaneously with the world's struggle to overcome environmental violence and poverty. The novelty of this vision stands out because the difficulties caused by COVID-19 have succeeded in hitting all aspects of human life, including the perspective of a shared vision in the struggle against injustice and anti-solidarity. This may involve technological advances, health choices, legal breakthroughs, behavioral policies, and other changes. As an organization that carries the spirit of Christianity, especially among its members, APTIK aims to provide them with the opportunity to share this spirit in and through the same flame. Moreover, because we are disturbed by the issue of "environment and poverty", this proceedings book was published to convey ideas and suggestions and take part in solving problems in building a better world for everyone to live in.

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Penulis Ilsa Haruti Suryandari, Agustinus Tri Kristanto, Sukawarsini Djelantik, .... [et al.]
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Perkiraan Berat 500 gram
Tahun Terbit 2023
Halaman vi+192 hlm.