General Morphology: An Indonesian-language Perspective

ISBN: 978-602-9187-08-3

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Is a translation of the original, titled Morfologi dalam Ilmu Bahasa. It has been translated into English to serve as a reference for foreign students studying general morphology as applied to the Indonesian language. Up to now, English-language books on general morphology as applied to the Indonesian language are rare. This book outlines principles and fundamentals of morphology as a branch of linguistics. This includes a basic understanding of morphology, morphemes, words, the morphological process, analytical models for the morphological process, and the different morphological processes found in the Indonesian language. The above concepts are illustrated with Indonesian-language examples.

Penulis I. Praptomo Baryadi
Penerbit USD
Suplier USD
Perkiraan Berat 92 gram
Tahun Terbit 2011
Halaman 57