Approaches to Literary Criticism

ISBN: 978-623-143-069-4

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Literature is a field of study where millions of answers or interpretations are accepted. There is not any single answer which will be stamped as the most correct one. No wonder that a great literary work will not only achieve a single interpretation. Analyzing literature refers to life which is full of various colors. Reading literary works from different countries enables us to learn about different cultures (Herawati & Mulatsih, 2021). Uniqueness is welcomed, and authenticity is appreciated. Our horizon will be broadened. In addition, by analyzing literature, we are required to practice our skills to find something hidden in words. Thus, our creativity and critical thinking skills are improved Literary criticism is a dynamic discipline which is interesting to learn. It evolves cultural contexts, diverse perspectives, and methodologies. This text book, "Approaches to Literary Criticism," aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the major schools of thought and critical frameworks that have influenced our understanding of literature. Written in simple sentences, this book is suitable for beginners who try to write an essay that includes a literary approach.

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Penulis Maria Vincentia Eka Mulatsih, Lucianus Suharjanto, SJ
Penerbit USD
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Perkiraan Berat 300 gram
Tahun Terbit 2024
Halaman xiii+174 hlm.