Soegija a Child of Bethlehem van Java: Biography Of Mgr. Albertus Soegijapranata The First Indonesian Bishop

ISBN: 978-602-0830-05-6

Rp. 65.000,00

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Soegijapranata found the deepest core of his self-identity: a Javanese man had a close encounter with Christianity, and realized his dream as a priest to be able to serve the nation and his God. This newfound identity became the basic foundation for the journey of life onwards. A close encounter with the culture, thought, and spirituality of the West did not remove his basic identity inherent in his self-identity; it only accentuated its definition. This identity of a man born in a Javanese family and nurtured in a Javanese society and culture was even more sharpened and enriched upon contact with the European culture, Christianity, Western philosophy, theology and spirituality that he was instilling in him. His awareness of self-identity was developed and discovered through his personal transformation from the time before he had a personal encounter with Christianity. After the contact with Christianity, Soegijapranata was even more deeply involved in the new life to grow and evolve as a Javanese Catholic and Jesuit priest at the same time. Through this transformation, his core identity, shaped through his childhood experiences emerging latently and dominantly, had become the core of his personal development in all of its aspects.

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Penulis G. Budi Subanar, S.J.
Penerbit USD
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Perkiraan Berat 100 gram
Tahun Terbit 2015
Halaman vi+182