Expand Your Vocabulary: A Contextual Vocabulary Study Book

ISBN: 978-623-7379-46-1

Rp. 70.050,00

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To develop vocabulary, students need to get a lot of exposure to language input, one of which can be done through reading English texts. Expand Your Vocabulary: A Contextual Vocabulary Study Book is designed to help students expand their English vocabulary through authentic reading materials and contextual vocabulary exercises. The units offer different topics of discussion and vocabulary-related concepts that are worth learning. With better vocabulary mastery, it is hoped that students become more active and confident in performing their English skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking.---

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Penulis Rina Astuti Purnamaningwulan
Penerbit USD
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Perkiraan Berat 284 gram
Tahun Terbit 2020
Halaman vi+194