Introduction to Prose in English Language Teaching
ISBN: 978-623-7379-36-2
Rp. 70.050,00
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It is necessary to integrate literature in the field of education, students will not only get the competence or certain knowledge of the subject, they can also learn to become better people in the future. The Sanata Dharma English Education Study Program continuously and consistently maintains it by having several literary courses. There is an Introduction to Literature, Prose, Poetry, Drama, and Play Performance. The author combines Ignatian Pedagogy as the spirit of Sanata Dharma University, including the use of technology "Learning" as a learning platform, and the latest news related to the topics in this book. The author hopes that readers will explore and understand themselves in order to act in the future after completing all this. The use of technology is applied by completing exercises that can improve their language skills and publish the results to "Learn" so they can learn together. In accordance with the material, this book not only provides a number of short stories and novels related to education from outside our beloved country such as Miss Awful, the Scholarship Jacket, Tobermory, Everything Changes, Two Friends, Happy Prince and Toto Chan. This paper also provides some exercises and discussion about the Javanese Princess Letter which is a compilation of Raden Ajeng Kartini's letters to her Dutch friends in the English version. This is done as an effort to find out the history of education in Indonesia and it is hoped that readers will not only study education in different countries but also reflect education in Indonesia.
Penulis | Maria Vincentia Eka Mulatsih |
Penerbit | USD |
Suplier | USD |
Perkiraan Berat | 301 gram |
Tahun Terbit | 2020 |
Halaman | x+206 |