Struggling for Success in the Lake of Silence

ISBN: 978-979-1088-29-9

Rp. 45.000,00

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This book describes the dynamics of the struggles of education for the deaf. The struggles are experienced by both the teachers and the students. Those are also the struggles of the deaf living in the midst of the community of normal people. This book also describes issues related to the personality of the deaf. When receiving proper education, the deaf can make various achievements in their life. The information in this book is very useful for those willing to widen their understanding about the deaf, such as families with deaf members, students of special education, students of psychology, students of guidance and counseling, and teachers in inclusive schools. Lecturers of education for and psychology of the deaf will also benefit from this book.

 Print on Demand
Penulis Tarsisius Priyo Widiyanto, Paul Suparno, S.J., .... [et al.]
Penerbit USD
Suplier USD
Perkiraan Berat 200 gram
Tahun Terbit 2008
Halaman xvi+122 hlm.